Most people dont know what options they have to graduate. Omar Cauich has some information on an alternative few people cnsider.
Check it out after the break.
Now that you know a bit more of this way of graduation, just think about it and get informed with a lot of time of anticipation and well good luck.
Are you about to
Master degree courses as
an option of graduation
My name is Omar Cauich; I am in
eighth semester, just about to finish the degree in LEII.
Since a year ago I ‘ve got
interested in the different ways in which I could graduate, at the beginning I
thought in doing a thesis, but it requires a lot of time and dedication, not
mentioning research and analysis of tons of data. Then I thought about taking
the ACREL exam but this exam is taken until November and I wanted something a
bit faster. So I knew about these summer courses from the master degree program
which are given to the students and I realized that that was the perfect option
for me.
In what consists of?
This modality of graduation
consists of taking a total of eighty hours of any course of a master degree,
not necessarily one in specific; they can be also two different master degree
subjects. In order to be able to do this, first of all I had to have every
single credit that is required for the degree, due to you cannot start the
graduation process if you haven’t finished your degree yet.
This modality consists on
taking, commonly two courses, of a master degree and passing them with a
minimum of eighty percent each one. It seems to be easy, difficult or X, but at
the end it will depend only on you and your needs.
Now that you know a bit more of this way of graduation, just think about it and get informed with a lot of time of anticipation and well good luck.
Omar Ignacio Cauich Uc
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