miércoles, 23 de mayo de 2012

Time for a few jokes

Who can't take a few jokes and puns after some time?

Luis, Debbie and Johny have some for us!
Check them after the break
Teacher: Luis, where is your homework?
Luis: I ate it.
Teacher: Why?
Luis: You said it was PIECE OF CAKE... didn’t you?

Teacher: Name two days of the week that start with "t".
Student: Today and Tomorrow.

Teacher: I see you missed the first day of school.
Student: Yes, but I didn't miss it much.

Teacher: Could you please pay a little attention?
Student: I'm paying as little attention as I can.

Q: What's the worst thing you're likely to find in the school cafeteria?
A: The Food!

Q: What did you learn in school today?
A: Not enough, I have to go back tomorrow!

Q: Why did the teacher wear sunglasses?
A: Because his class was so bright!

Q: Teacher: Didn't I tell you to stand at the end of the line?
A: Student: I tried but there was someone already there!

Q: Teacher: If I had 6 oranges in one hand and 7 apples in the other, what would I have?
A: Student: Big hands!

Q: Teacher: I hope I didn't see you looking at John's exam?
A: Student: I hope you didn't either.

Q: Why did the teacher write on the window?
A: Because she wanted the lesson to be very clear!

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